The Mansion’s Merits and its Designation
The Henter Mansion is a characteristic baroque building of the region, it is the oldest monument of its kind and the only one still left standing in the Csík-basin. The most spectacular part of the structure is the open porch, its ornaments combine elements of the renaissance and the baroque styles. Its main pillars hold a parapet with triangle-shaped masonry, characteristic of the baroque style, and they are adorned with the coat-of-arms of the Henter family: a crane standing on a crown, with its neck injured by an arrow, holding a stone in its raised claws.

The restoration works started in 2017 with restoring the gate resembling a triumphal arc, and between 2020 and 2023 continued with the restoration of the mansion itself.
The mansion’s roof was provided with a mansard which in turn was covered with shingles.
The rectangular layout of the mansion hints at the influence of folk architecture: on two sides of the atrium, located in the axis of the mansion, there were rooms (dining room, bedrooms, kitchen, toilets). These locations received new designations since in the renewed mansion past and present are to be connected.

In 2011 the Mayors’s Office of Csíkszentimre bought the building for 233335 leis. Its restoration took place between 2020 and 2023 with the help of the European Union, within the framework of the Regional Operative Program. The plans for the restoration were carried out by several architectural companies, led by the architect Szabolcs Guttman and coordinated by the Vallum Inc. from Csíkszereda and Szabolcs Korodi. The restoration work was carried out by the Impex Aurora Ltd. from Csíkszereda.
The renovation has a total value of 8.868.938,36 lei.